My work is a physical embodiment and reflection of my own position within society. Through experimental techniques I have been able to explore and deal with the issues/relations between past and present and political and personal.

Fragile Wounds
This piece combines several different aspects from both past and present into one 'total work' in a collage form, to evoke the fragility of life and how quickly times can change (especially during a pandemic).
The foreground displays an image of myself when I was younger in my 'happy place' - on holiday with the sun shining down on me. Yet, I am surrounded by a dull, mundane scene from typical life today - people of all walks of life wearing face masks and sitting on a socially distanced train.
However, dotted around in the background are various elements/props that primarily remind me of my content childhood, ranging from playgrounds with swings and slides to the red and yellow toddler push along cars that every child seemed to have.
The truth is, as children we view life through rose tinted glasses and marvel over the simplest of things, but at the same time we can't wait to grow up. And now that we are grown up and all we want to do is be young again.
No Care in the World
Life right now might be fragile, but it used to be extremely fluid. It used to be fairly unrestricted, especially when you're younger, you quite literally had no care in the world - or at least if you did it was rather trivial.
Tedious Reflections

'Tedious Reflections' is a visual representation of everyday life during lockdown. The constant repetition of daily routines soon became humdrum rituals, which slowly made me feel as though I was losing my mind and in an infinite downward spiral.
For me this is what that downward spiral looked like.
Photo manipulation experimentation on Procreate, using biomorphic sculptures from Studio Practice 3B to depict the feeling of being inside a female's body.