
During the Pandemic when life felt like Groundhog day, I realised I had been using fashion and cooking as coping mechanisms, they both became daily rituals which gave me purpose and something to look forward too everyday!

I wanted to develop my work from my last project as I enjoyed the process of creating art with regulations and relinquishing controls over certain factors. 

I decided to set out on another 7 day project, where I would pick a new recipe each day and create an outfit inspired by the colours and textures in that meal. I then created colour palettes digitally, which I experimented with on ProCreate with shapes and colours. Using this experimentation, I colour matched with oil paints to create one large painting, with all 7 of my swirls. 

Some of my work

Photo gallery

This is my Final Piece which isn't finished yet! I am going to add layers of spots like some of my pieces above. 

Last Studio Project Link

'First Aid Art Kit' an Online Exhibition Space

'Have a look around!'

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